Daniel Pinkwater’s forthcoming ADVENTURES OF A DWERGISH GIRL is a good read, especially for pizza lovers!
Coming your way September 30th, Daniel Pinkwater’s forthcoming ADVENTURES OF A DWERGISH GIRL (available for pre-order from your favorite bookseller or direct from Tachyon and for reviewers via EDELWEISS and NETGALLEY) generates interest.

Design by Elizabeth Story
For THE WASHINGTON POST, Micheal Dirda in expresses excitement for both Pinkwater and the forthcoming book.
While Daniel Pinkwater has produced classics for all ages — from that paean to nonconformity, “The Big Orange Splot,” to the Sherlockian pastiche “The Snarkout Boys & the Avocado of Death” — I’m fondest of “Alan Mendelsohn, The Boy From Mars.” In it, the two young heroes acquire the Samuel Klugarsh Mind Control System and discover that it really works. Happily, Pinkwater still works, too: Next month Tachyon Books will bring out ADVENTURES OF A DWERGISH GIRL.
MAGIC AND DUST enjoys the adventure.
When I first saw ADVENTURES OF A DWERGISH GIRL, I was struck with the cover, then I read the description and struck again. A Dwergish girl gets bored with her dull life and what lays in her future and decides to leave her in-forest-home for the city? And her family just lets her? And supports her? Just give me that.
It is amazing what a cover and just a little bit of information can do to a reader…
It is a good read and pizza lovers will feel an elevated love for this book. I also hope that this is a beginning of series as the end of the book suggests.
Rating ★★★★
MI BOOK REVIEWS feels much the same.
The plot itself was slow and meandering, but in a way that made it feel fleshed out and one that allowed for cute jokes to happen. The ending was one that mostly made sense. I feel like it was left open a bit for a sequel, but the only questions I have are about what that sequel would be which is a wonderful change from a huge plot point not being explained just to set up a sequel. I liked the ending. It was quick, no huge surprises that annoyed me, and it fit perfectly with the pace of the story and the world that was built. So at least one of the chapters I wanted to erase before really is necessary.
Overall, it was a cute story and my first Pinkwater book.
ADVENTURES OF A DWERGISH GIRL book trailer premiered on the Tachyon Publications YouTube Channel. After you finish with the trailer, be sure to check out the other Tachyon goodies on the channel.