Tachyon tidbits featuring Hannu Rajaniemi, Daryl Gregory, Kage Baker, and James Tiptree, Jr.
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.

Hannu Rajaniemi (Photo: Uránia Filmszínház), Daryl Gregory, Kage Baker, James Tiptree, Jr.
ARS LIVE #4 featured Hannu Rajaniemi.
Ars contributor Tiffany Kelly and I asked him about his double career in science and sci-fi. He said it all started with a Jules Verne obsession. He wanted to build a vessel like Captain Nemo’sNautilus, so he decided to become a physicist. At the same time, he became fascinated by role-playing games and LARPing (live-action role-playing), which is treated like an art form in Finland and other Nordic countries. He told us some terrifying tales about gaming and then discussed his transition into a fiction writer and entrepreneur in Scotland. Along the way, he regaled us with stories about how his work in science and fiction have fed into each other in some surprising ways (he once got a gig because the hiring manager had read one of Rajaniemi’s novels and wanted to develop some of the sci-fi tech in the book). We asked whether there’s any science fiction that he’s excited about, and Rajaniemi said he loved the Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2015 anthology, edited by John Joseph Adams and Joe Hill (he also liked Hill’s new novel,The Fireman). As for TV, he recommended that everyone watch Person of Interest, the recently concluded CBS series about the emergence of AI.
BABELIO reviewed Daryl Gregory’s NOUS ALLONS TOUS
TRÈS BIEN, the French edition of his World Fantasy Award-winning book WE ARE ALL COMPLETELY FINE.
So when this short text, we’re all fine, thank you , with this intriguing title and fourth this Uncover ‘teaser has arrived in stores, I automatically added to my stack of reading. And I do not regret, it’s one of my biggest favorites of this year, with the fabulous The way of the kings, song Blood and Dark Eden which lit my 2015 readings (not counting the new works Jaworski , needless to say)..
(Translation from the French courtesy of Google.)

At TOR.COM, Kathleen Bartholomew continues her reread of the works of Kage Baker with SKY COYOTE.
SKY COYOTE is Kage Baker’s second novel, and the book that turned her initial idea of the Company into a series. It’s not one of the best loved of her novels, except maybe by me; it’s gotten some weird dismissals in its varied career but it was a very important step for Kage as a writer. This story was rewritten a dozen times before it became the definitive second stanza in her long Company saga.

LADY BUSINESS list of 60 Essential Science Fiction & Fantasy Reads includes James Tiptree, Jr.’s HER SMOKE ROSE UP FOREVER and selections from Tachyon authors Kate Elliott, Nalo Hopkinson, and Nancy Kress.

For more information on WE ARE ALL COMPLETELY FINE, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
For more info about HER SMOKE ROSE UP FOREVER, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by John Picacio