Happy Birthday to the award winning creator of acclaimed secret histories Tim Powers

All of us at Tachyon wish Tim Powers a happy birthday.
The winner of numerous awards, Powers, best known for crafting intelligent and unique secret histories, first gained acclaim for one of the early and best steampunk novels: THE ANUBIS GATES. His novel ON STRANGER TIDES served as the inspiration for the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN movies and was adapted as the fourth film in the series.
Tachyon reprinted his Mythopoeic Fantasy Award-winning novel THE STRESS OF HER REGARD and produced the short story collections STRANGE ITINERARIES and the World Fantasy award winner THE BIBLE REPAIRMAN AND OTHER STORIES.

For more information on THE STRESS OF HER REGARD, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn.
For more information on STRANGE ITINERARIES, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn.
For more information on THE BIBLE REPAIRMAN AND OTHER STORIES, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Josh Beatman.