Tachyon tidbits featuring Daniel Pinkwater, Kimberly Unger, and Naseem Jamnia
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.

Daniel Pinkwater’s latest middle grade adventure, CRAZY IN POUGHKEEPSIE garnered praise from Deborah J. Ross and The Nutty Bookworm Reads Alot.
Pinkwater’s in on a great secret: if you want to communicate wisdom to young readers, first make them smile. Or giggle. Or run wild in Poughkeepsie, as the case may be.
Deborah J. Ross

Cover design by Elizabeth Story
This is my first ever Daniel Pinkwater and it won’t be my last as I want to go through their backlist. For all these reasons I am giving CRAZY IN POUGHKEEPSIE 5 big fat stars.
The Nutty Bookworm Reads Alot
Library Journal enjoys Kimberly Unger’s forthcoming technothriller THE EXTRACTIONIST. Though not available until July, THE EXTRACTIONIST can be pre-ordered from your favorite bookseller or directly from Tachyon.
VERDICT Unger (NUCLEATION), a game designer and VR programmer by day, delivers an edge-of-your-seat technothriller with a refreshingly relatable protagonist. While some might find this too jargon-heavy for comfort, cyberpunk fans will love Unger’s scientific knowledge and creativity.
Library Journal

The forthcoming THE BRUISING OF QILWA by Samuel R. Delany Fellowship recipient Naseem Jamnia impressed Louis Skye of WWAC. Though not available until August, THE BRUISING OF QILWA can be pre-ordered from your favorite bookseller or directly from Tachyon.
Reading THE BRUISING OF QILWA was an incredible experience. I didn’t know world-building in a fantasy story could feel so seamless. That scenes around medical magic could make sense to me and increase my enjoyment of the story is still blowing my mind. The queerness in this book is so natural—no explanations, no phobias, just queer people living their lives. The politics and world-building feel relatable even if I’m not Persian. When people from marginalized groups talk about creating stories based on their lived experience, this is what they mean. Jamnia brings all the various intersections of their life into The Bruising of Qilwa and the book is so much more significant because of it. This story has set the bar for fantasy fiction so high now.