THE INTERNATIONAL NOIR STORYBUNDLE, curated by Lavie Tidhar features Kameron Hurley, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, and more

With INTERNATIONAL NOIR, STORYBUNDLE journeys through the shadows, in this world and beyond, to bring some of the finest crime fiction. The 10 extraordinary books include APOCALYPSE NYX by Kameron Hurley, Osama by Lavie Tidhar, The Vaccinator by Michael Marshall Smith, The Outcast Hours by edited by Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin, Untamed Shore by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, The Blaft Anthology of Tamil Pulp Fiction by Pritham K. Chakravarthy, I Can Transform You by Maurice Broaddus, Liquid Crystal Nightingale by Eeleen Lee, and The Good Son and The Lost Sister Omnibus by Russel D. McLean.
Noir. Venetian blinds casting lines of shadows, the smoke of a cigarette curling in the air, a silhouette in the doorway signalling danger. There is something about noir that is both of its own aesthetic and transcends time and place. All we know is that there is a moral ambiguity at play, that small people in a corrupt world can too easily come to a messy end, even if they fight. I love noir in all its forms because it is so pliable, pure enough to be recognisable yet diverse enough to keep adapting. For as long as there are crooks there’ll be noir.
– Lavie Tidhar
Here, then, is a sample of the form. Some of it is hard, classical noir. Some veers into science fiction or fantasy. Some it’s impossible to categorise. Here are the delights of Tamil pulp fiction, the slow-building menace of strangers with secrets in a sleepy Mexican village in the 1970s, of Scottish hardmen and science fiction avengers.
Come in, try the water, though there might be sharks hidden under the calm surface of the sea. And there are things we only find during the autopsy.

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