The extraordinary grandmaster Jane Yolen celebrates the release of her new book ARCH OF BONE at Mystic Seaport Museum

Visit with the legendary Jane Yolen for the book release of ARCH OF BONE at the Mystic Seaport Museum in Mystic, CT on November 6, 2pm.
Join us for a very special in-person event with beloved children’s book author Jane Yolen (Owl Moon). The author’s latest book, ARCH OF BONE, continues the story from where Moby Dick left off. When a rough sailor called Ishmael turns up on a family’s doorstep, even loyal dog Zeke knows that the news is ruinous. This compelling boyhood adventure hearkens to timeless coming of age tales of yore. Lovingly illustrated by Ruth Sanderson, the journey of a boy and his dog comes to life on the page, renewing the joy of a classic tale.
Enjoy a free ARCH OF BONE reading by the author at 2pm, followed by a book signing. Bank Square Books will have copies of the book for sale at the reading. The reading is free, however registration is required due to limited seating.

Optional add-on experience: After the reading and book signing, take a Moby Dick tour aboard the last wooden whaleship in the world, the Charles W. Morgan, guided by Moby Dick scholar, Mary K Bercaw Edwards. You’ll also have the opportunity to visit the Museum’s exhibit Voyaging in the Wake of the Whalers. Tours will run at 3:15 and 4:00.
$18 members / $20 non-members