20 years of smart science fiction and fantasy

Over at Black Gate, John O’neill reviews and celebrates Tachyon Publications.
Today I’ve replicated the Tachyon booth, which was staffed by the friendly folks of Tachyon Publications, out of San Francisco. Tachyon is one of my favorite small presses — not only do they produce very attractive and collectible books, but they showcase some of the best writers in the business. They have an affinity for short story collections, and they’ve produced some of the best anthologies for heroic fantasy fans in the past few years, including the comprehensive The Sword & Sorcery Anthology and the mammoth Epic.

Tachyon has reprinted many fantasy classics over the years, including Tim Powers 1989 novel The Stress of Her Regard, which was nominated for the World Fantasy Award and won the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award. A tale of ancient vampires whose origins date back to Greek mythology, and with characters that include the Romantic poets Byron and Shelley, The Stress of Her Regard is a secret history novel, and the Tachyon edition is newly revised by the author.
Nancy Kress’s Yesterday’s Kin was nominated for a Nebula Award yesterday — one of two novellas published by Tachyon last year to be so honored.

Her Smoke Rose Up Forever is one of the most important science fiction collections of the 20th Century, by one of the most brilliant SF writers of all time, James Tiptree, Jr. There’s been a great deal written about Tiptree (whose real name was Alice B. Sheldon) over the last ten years, but in that time virtually all of her collections have remained out of print — except this one, a comprehensive survey of her best work. If you don’t own a copy already, you need to rectify that ASAP.

Jacob Weisman and his team at Tachyon are one of the most consistently excellent fantasy publishers on the market. Their upcoming titles include books by Nalo Hopkinson, Peter V. Brett, Kelley Armstrong and Alastair Reynolds. They richly deserve your support. See their complete catalog and order copies at their website.
Read the rest of O’neill’s overview, which includes reviews and commentary on several more Tachyon titles, at Black Gate.
For more on YESTERDAY’S KIN, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty.
For more on HER SMOKE ROSE UP FOREVER, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by John Picacio.
For more about SLOW BULLETS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Thomas Canty.
Design by Elizabeth Story.