Each story in Nalo Hopkinson’s forthcoming collection FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS has a soul of its own

At MORE RED INK, editor Marty Halpern talks about his latest Tachyon work, Nalo Hopkinson’s FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS.
When you read the full text of the foreword, you will realize that this collection is more than just a book of short stories: science fiction, fantasy, and a hint of Afro-Caribbean folklore throughout… These are stories of the human condition. Each story has a soul of its own.
FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS was my first opportunity to work on stories by Nalo Hopkinson. Her first novels, BROWN GIRL IN THE RING (1998) and MIDNIGHT ROBBER (2000), sit prominently on one of my book shelves. So when Tachyon Publications informed me that this project was next on the “to do” list for me, I was anxious to get to work on it.
I found it difficult to select just one favorite story, as so many of these were special – but if I must, it would have to be “Message in a Bottle.” This story was originally published in 2005 in FUTUREWAYS, an anthology published by Arsenal Pulp Press in Vancouver. So unless you are a hardcore fan, this story will undoubtedly be new to you, as it was for me. And I found it even more difficult to write about this story without yielding any spoilers, so beware….
Read the rest of Halpern’s comments at MORE RED INK.
For more info about FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Chuma Hill.
Design by Elizabeth Story.