Congratulations to Lavie Tidhar for winning the Neukom Award! The Neukom Institute at Dartmoth has awarded Central Station by Lavie Tidhar, The Best Worst American by Juan Martinez, and On the Edge of Gone by Corinne Duyvis he inaugural 2018 Neukom Institute Literary Arts Awards in Speculative Fiction. *
Read all about the award here:
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Alec Checkerfield
About Alec Checkerfield
Posts by Alec Checkerfield:
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized deskdecor, hardatwork, janeyolen, lego, office, publishing, tachyon, tachyonpublications, toys, workspace
Boss is away. Time to play with her toys!
#deskdecor #office #publishing #tachyon #tachyonpublications #lego #toys #janeyolen #workspace #hardatwork
Fans of the original tale will love Peter S. Beagle’s THE LAST UNICORN: THE LOST JOURNEY
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized elizabeth story, ian white, interview, nebula conference, patrick rothfuss, peter s beagle, Publishers Weekly, review, starburst, stephanie law, the last unicorn: the lost journey, thorsten erdt, youtube
With still over a month from publication, the reviews have started coming in for Peter S. Beagle’s terrific THE LAST UNICORN: THE LOST JOURNEY.

PUBLISHERS WEEKLY praises the novella.
Although this book is not the complete story of the travels of the unicorn and her friends, fans of the original will love encountering additional characters they never had the pleasure of meeting when they first experienced the unicorn’s journey.

Ian White for STARBURST enjoys the book.
Now, to mark that half-century anniversary, Peter S. Beagle’s earliest abandoned attempt at bringing The Last Unicorn to life has been published by Tachyon with a revealing afterword by the author, an introduction and foreword by Carrie Vaughn and Patrick Rothfuss respectively, and some exquisite black-and-white illustrations by Stephanie Law. For fans of Beagle’s original book, this is a fascinating gift.

In his afterword, Beagle confesses that he wrote THE LOST JOURNEY in small increments and never really knew from day-to-day where it would go. That uncertainty doesn’t ever show in his writing, but it does make the story feel a little meandering at times. Having said that, it’s still a terrific little novella and a very welcome insight into Beagle’s earliest writing process and the evolution of a modern classic. If you’ve never read The Last Unicorn, read THE LOST JOURNEY as a first draft and then read The Last Unicorn and bask in the wonderfulness of what THE LOST JOURNEY turned into. We bet you’ll be glad you did.
Peter S. Beagle in conversation with Patrick Rothfuss at the 2018 Nebula Conference.
For more info about THE LAST UNICORN: THE LOST JOURNEY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thorsten Erdt
Illustration by Stephanie Law
Design by Elizabeth Story
This Halloween read books and help Humble Bundle battle arthritis!
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized after the fall before the fall during the fall, arthritis foundation, cold in july, darkness: two decades of modern horror, Ellen Datlow, ellen klages, Halloween, humble bundle, Joe R. Lansdale, led astray: the best of kelley armstrong, lisa goldstein, lovecraft's monsters, peter s beagle, portable childhoods, the best of joe r lansdale, the uncertain places, the urban fantasy anthology

The many selections of the HUMBLE BUNDLE Tales of Terror include
(all three edited by Ellen Datlow)

- THE URBAN FANTASY ANTHOLOGY (edited by Peter S. Beagle and Joe R. Lansdale)


HUMBLE BUNDLE Tales of Terror supports the Arthritis Foundation and other charities of your choice.

For more info on DARKNESS: TWO DECADES OF MODERN HORROR, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn
For more info on THE UNCERTAIN PLACES, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn
For more info on THE URBAN FANTASY ANTHOLOGY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by design by Elizabeth Story
For more info on PORTABLE CHILDHOODS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ellen Klages
Design by John D. Berry
For more info on AFTER THE FALL, BEFORE THE FALL, DURING THE FALL, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story
For more info on THE BEST OF JOE R. LANSDALE, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by John Picacio
For more info on LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story
For more info on NIGHTMARES: A NEW DECADE OF MODERN HORROR, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Nihil
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more info on COLD IN JULY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
For more info on LOVECRAFT’S MONSTERS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by John Coulthart
Lavie Tidhar’s gripping alternate history UNHOLY LAND will enthrall audiences across the multiverse
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized andrew liptak, foreword, interview, lavie tidhar, michelle anne schingler, paul semel, Publishers Weekly, review, sarah anne langton, the verge, unholy land
With its recent publication, Lavie Tidhar’s new novel UNHOLY LAND garners positive mentions.

PUBLISHERS WEEKLY includes the title among PW Picks: Books of the Week, October 15, 2018.
World Fantasy Award winner Tidhar (CENTRAL STATION) will leave readers’ heads spinning with this disorienting and gripping alternate history.
Readers of all kinds, and particularly fans of detective stories and puzzles, will enjoy grappling with the numerous questions raised by this stellar work.
In a STARRED review at FOREWORD, Michelle Anne Schingler praises the novel.
There are some who know many faces of the divine, but their knowledge is not necessarily desirable. Lavie Tidhar’s stunning science fiction adventure, UNHOLY LAND, moves between incarnations of Jewish being with alacrity, hunger, and humility.
Political commentary is here, particularly in the Palestinian treatment of African refugees, seen in the world where the travelers and lawman meet. Still, it’s the details between realities that captivate: prehistoric creatures on the march; the Holocaust that never was; a variation of Jerusalem scorched into lifeless black glass. People are both violent and hungry for freedom in every possible world. Atrocities are committed and excused. Or goodness rises. Take your pick—a shimmering pool in the heart of a Kenyan volcano makes doing so possible—but know that in choosing one world, you may compromise others.
UNHOLY LAND is a wonder and a revelation—a work of science fiction capable of enthralling audiences across the multiverse.

Photo: Kevin Nixon © Future Publishing 2013
Andrew Liptak for THE VERGE cites the book among 10 new sci-fi and fantasy books to check out for the rest of October.
In this alternate history, a pulp author named Lior Tirosh returns home after suffering a personal loss. That home is Palestina, on the border of Uganda, that was offered up as a Jewish homeland in 1904. Once he arrives, he finds himself in the midst of a complicated plot to destroy the boundary between realities. As he’s pursued by two government agents, he takes on the persona of his pulp character to try and understand the situation and survive. Publishers Weekly gave the book a starred review, saying that Tidhar “will leave readers’ heads spinning with this disorienting and gripping alternate history.”
On his eponymous site, Paul Semel interviews Tidhar about UNHOLY LAND.
In the following email interview about his new novel, UNHOLY LAND (paperback, Kindle), writer Lavie Tidhar admits that while the story employs the tenets of noir, fantasy, sci-fi, and mystery, he thinks it may be best described as just “Tidharian.”
To start, what is UNHOLY LAND about?
Initially it’s about a guy called Lior Tirosh, who time-slips from our world into Palestina, a small Jewish nation in East Africa founded at the start of the 20th century. And he gets involved in the search for his niece, who went missing, so we get to see some of that world.
But then it turns out there are maybe more than onealternate realities, and the walls between them are starting to come down. So, I don’t know. It has this deceptively simple plot to begin with — a sort of detective looking for a sort of missing person — but then it gets complicated and we realize there are other characters, too. One of whom is Nur, who is a sort of Palestinian special agent from a world where history turned out different, who is trying to stop whatever it is that is happening.
But, you know, there are also jokes.
Where did you get the idea for UNHOLY LAND and how different is the finished novel from that initial concept?
I think I got interested in that idea years ago, when I first learned about the so-called “Uganda Plan,” where the British actually did offer Theodor Herzl, the leader of the Zionist Congress, a piece of land in East Africa. And the Congress sent out an expedition. So years ago I tracked down their report on microfilm in a private library in London, and I got to read through it; it was fascinating. And I ended up writing this story called “Uganda” [in his collection HebrewPunk], which is mostly about the expedition, but at the end we sort of get a glimpse of that other reality, of the what would have happened if Herzl said yes.
And there were things I kept going back to. Like Herzl’s own utopian novel Altneuland, which fascinated me, and a bunch of other things. So I kept working these out in short stories. One story that fed into the novel is called “Shira,” and that has Nur in it, and it’s about a peaceful Middle East where Jerusalem’s been erased somehow, no one knows by who, and that leads to a sort of regional peace. So all these things fed into the book eventually. It takes me about ten years I think to develop a book before actually writing it.
As to the other part of the question, there’s not really much difference between the manuscript and the finished book. Mostly we did things like make it easier to follow the transitions, and removing some bits and clarifying others. Once I was actually writing, the story must have been pretty fully formed, at that point.
For more info on UNHOLY LAND, visit the Tachyon page.
Covers by Sarah Anne Langton
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized bookshop, bookstagram, brokenearth, fantasybooks, independentbookstore, johncrowley, nickmamatas, nkjemisin, oakland, scifibooks, sff, shelfie, shoplocal, tachyon, tachyonpublications
The People’s Republic of Everything is in good company at @pegasus_rare_books
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Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized author, authorsigning, bookevent, booksigning, cambridge, cambridgeevents, centralstation, lavietidhar, massachusetts, signaltonoise, silviamorenogarcia, thebeautifulones
Thank you to everyone who came by @pandemoniumbooks to see Lavie Tidhar and Silvia Moreno-Garcia!
#author #authorsigning #bookevent #booksigning #massachusetts #cambridge #cambridgeevents #lavietidhar #silviamorenogarcia #thebeautifulones #signaltonoise #centralstation
Meet Rudy Rucker and Gregory Norman Bossert at October SF in SF
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized american bookbinders museum, beneath ceaseless skies, gregory norman bossert, mats minnhagen, return to the hollow earth, rudy rucker, SF in SF

SF IN SF, in partnership with Tachyon Publications and the American Bookbinders Museum, welcomes the legendary Rudy Rucker and World Fantasy Award winner Gregory Norman Bossert.

Each author will read from a selection of their work, followed by Q&A with the audience, moderated by Terry Bisson. Schmoozing with the authors and book signing follows the end of the discussion.

Beneath Ceaseless Sky cover by Mats Minnhagen
Sunday, October 21
Doors and cash bar open 6:00PM
Event begins at 6:30 PM
The American Bookbinders Museum
355 Clementina
San Francisco, CA
$10 donation at the door (no one is turned away for lack of funds).
All donations benefit the American Bookbinders Museum
There will be an opportunity to have books signed at the end of the event. Books will be for sale courtesy of Borderlands Books, and attendees are welcome to bring books from home for signatures. There is no charge for autographs.
Podcasted by SOMA FM – SF’s internet radio station
Michael Cadnum, Nick Mamatas, Charlie Jane Anders, and Terry Bisson to participate in the Lit Crawl San Francisco 2018
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized Ann Monn, can't catch me and other twice-told tales, Charlie Jane Anders, elizabeth story, greetings and other stories, John Picacio, lit crawl, michael cadnum, Nick Mamatas, numbers don't lie, san francisco, six months three days, stephanie pui-mun law, Terry Bisson, the people's republic of everything
As part of the annual San Francisco Lit Crawl, several Tachyon authors will be speaking and signing at a variety of locales.

Saturday, October 20 * 5pm-6pm
Literary Stubbornness at Santa Monica Review
Small Print, No Pictures, Just Beautiful Sentences in Black on White. Contributors read short fiction in celebration of the West Coast magazine’s thirtieth anniversary.
with Louis B. Jones, Janice Shapiro, and Andrew Tonkovich
Casanova Lounge 527 Valencia St

Saturday, October 20 * 6:30pm-7:30pm
Crawling up From Underground
The SF Creative Writing Institute celebrates the success of its students and authors who forged their own path from the grassroots to the public eye.
with Daphne Gottlieb, Hollie Hardy, Julia Jahn, Alexandra Kostoulas,
Marguerite Munoz, and Maurisa Thompson
Holy Mountain 680 Valencia St

Saturday, October 20 * 8pm-9pm
Borderlands Cafe
Borderlands Cafe presents four brilliant genre authors for your listening pleasure. This year we have a bit of everything; science fiction, fantasy, and mystery.
Charlie Jane Anders, SIX MONTHS, THREE DAYS
with Marie Brennan, Megan O’Keefe, and Nancy Tingley
Borderlands Cafe 870 Valencia St

Saturday, October 20 * 8pm-9pm
The Fabulist Words & Art Presents: Deep Genre Subversion
Ever notice our world is looking more and more like a work of bad genre fiction? The Fabulist proposes that true liberation is in writing different endings to these stories…
with Heather Bourbeau, Lael Gold, and Russell Reza-Khaliq Gonzaga
Mission: Comics & Art 2250 Mission St

For more information about CAN’T CATCH ME AND OTHER TWICE-TOLD TALES, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
For more info on THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF EVERYTHING, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story
For more info on SIX MONTHS, THREE DAYS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
For more information on NUMBERS DON’T LIE, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn
For more information on GREETINGS AND OTHER STORIES, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by John Picacio
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized biography, blackandwhite, books, bookstagram, flashbackfriday, memoir, nonfiction, philipkdick, publishing, sciencefiction, tachyon, tachyonpublications, weekendreading, whiteandgreen, womenwriters
We’re diving into our backlist for #FlashbackFriday. The Search for Philip K. Dick is a riveting memoir and biography. Anne Dick creates an extraordinary portrait of one of the twentieth century’s most important writers. Through this no-holds-barred account, she reveals the compelling genius and private hell of Philip K. Dick, for better and for worse.
#books #bookstagram #philipkdick #blackandwhite #whiteandgreen #biography #memoir #nonfiction #womenwriters
#publishing #tachyon #tachyonpublications #sciencefiction #weekendreading