Tachyon tidbits featuring Ellen Klages, James Tiptree, Jr., and Joe R. Lansdale
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.

Ellen Klages (photo: Scott R. Kline), Jame Tiptree, Jr., and Joe R. Lansdale (Ulf Andersen-Getty Images)
For her novella Passing Strange, Ellen Klage won the 2018 British Fantasy Award. Congrats to Ellen and the other winners.

For B&N SCI-FI & FANTASY BLOG, Maria Haskins includes James Tiptree, Jr.’s Hugo Award winning The Girl Who Was Plugged In in So You’ve Decided to Read a Sci-Fi or Fantasy Novella…
Like all Tiptree’s work, this science fiction novella is worth reading and rereading. It was first published in the anthology New Dimensions 3, and won the Hugo Award in 1974. A description of the plot sounds eerily prescient in the present day: “It imagines a future completely ruled by corporations, where advertising is illegal, because life is advertising—companies use celebrities and product placement to sell their wares.” It’s available in THE JAMES TIPTREE AWARD ANTHOLOGY 3: SUBVERSIVE STORIES ABOUT SEX AND GENDER.

The novella is also available in HER SMOKE ROSE UP FOREVER.
At TOR.COM Joe R. Lansdale’s Edgar Award winning The Bottoms ranks among Cullen Bunn’s 5 Books About Folk Horror.
Not a horror story necessarily, but full of horrific themes and creepy imagery. This is a crime story and murder mystery set, like many of Lansdale’s stories, in East Texas. During the Great Depression, a group of kids set out to solve a violent murder. That’s my kind of story. But the addition of a local legend, the Goat Man (who is sort of a Boo Radley boogieman figure) makes this yarn something special. Urban legends can be spooky enough to make your skin crawl. But in my experience, those rural legends are all the more terrifying.

For more info about THE JAMES TIPTREE AWARD ANTHOLOGY 3, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by John D. Berry
For more info about HER SMOKE ROSE UP FOREVER, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by John Picacio