Lavie Tidhar’s “cabinet of wonders” UNHOLY LAND makes more Best of Year lists
The accolades keep rolling in for Lavie Tidhar’s beautifully written UNHOLY LAND.

Both NPR and LIBRARY JOURNAL include the book among their best books of 2018.
It’s the kind of smart, intertextual science fiction that would make Philip K. Dick giddy.
Recalling China Miéville’s The City and the City, Tidhar’s narrative resonates with the dilemmas of modern Israel without devolving to mere metaphor.

Photo: Kevin Nixon. © Future Publishing 2013
At FANTASY LITERATURE, Bill Capossere declares the title is gong on his Best of 2018 list.
I read UNHOLY LAND straight through in one sitting, blowing off work, family, and the first few minutes of dinner to do so. And had I not finished I most likely would have just skipped dinner entire until I did. For such a short book — under 300 pages — Tidhar crams in a world (worlds) of thoughtfulness, suspense, imagery, and beautiful prose. Highly recommended.
UNHOLY LAND makes a different type of list at BOOK RIOT with Michelle Anne Schingler’s 8 Nights of Jewish Books: A Suggested Hanukkah Reading (and Gifting!) List.
A pulp writer transgresses the barriers between realities in Tidhar’s latest science fiction wonder, which finds agents who can skip between universes chasing the man who may be instrumental to a multiverse rift—centered somewhere in the forests beyond Palestina, a territory in what was Uganda, in a world that is not our own. Tidhar’s book is a cabinet of wonders—it will not stop proffering surprises ’til the end.
For more info on UNHOLY LAND, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Sarah Anne Langton