Want all these books? Tachyon is participating in TWO Humble Book Bundles going on right now! Find the perfect Halloween read with the Tales of Horror bundle (humblebundle.com/books/tales-of-horror-books) benefiting the Arthritis Foundation. And help the Resistance with the Get the Vote Out bundle (humblebundle.com/books/get-the-vote-out-books) supporting the ACLU!
#humblebundle #aclu #resistance #books #bookstagram #bookpile #bookhaul #octoberreads #halloween #horrorbooks #sciencefictionbooks #fantasybooks #booksale #donation #charity #booklife #publishing #tachyon #tachyonpublications
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized charity, falling in love with hominids, humble bundle, it gets better, lgbtq, nalo hopkinson, pride month, queers destroy science fiction, smut peddler

We are proud to announce the inclusion of Nalo Hopkinson’s acclaimed collection FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS in Humble Book Bundle: LGBTQ supporting Pride Month.

Other titles include
VOL. 1 by Brian Wood, Dave Stewart, and Danijek Zezelj - BECOMING
Shapiro and Dave Isay - LONELY
OAF by Ed Luce - QUEERS

SON VOL. 1 by Shimura Takako and Matt Thorn - ARTIFICE
by Alex Woolfson and Wimona Nelson - THE
THE VELVET by Sarah Walters - IF
YOU COULD BE MINE by Sara Farizan - WET
MOON VOL 1 by Sophie Campbell - SMUT
GENTLEMAN) edited by C. Spike Trotman

OF THOMAS by Moto Hagio - JULIO’S
DAY by Gilbert Hernandez - NO
Howard Cruse, and Raif Koenig - MASSIVE:
Kolbeins, and Chip Kidd
Humble Book Bundle: LGBTQ supporting Pride Month runs for two weeks and ends Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 11 a.m. Pacific time.
For more info and full details about Humble Book Bundle: LGBTQ supporting Pride Month, visit Humble Bundle.
A portion of the sales go to It Gets Better Project.
Pay what you want. Support charity.
For more information on FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Chuma Hill
Design by Elizabeth Story
AFTER THE FALL, BEFORE THE FALL, DURING THE FALL goes beyond the end with Humble Bundle
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized after the fall before the fall during the fall, charity, elizabeth story, fiction, fritz leiber, guillermo del toro, humble bundle, kim stanley robinson, m. k. wren, Nancy Kress, octavia butler, post-apocalyptic, Roger Zelazny, sfwa, sfwa emergency medical and legal fund, walter mosley, worldbuilders

We are proud to announce the inclusion of Nancy Kress’ Nebula Award winner AFTER THE FALL, BEFORE THE FALL, DURING THE FALL as part of the Humble Post-Apocalyptic Book Bundle.
The doomsday collection features works by Walter Mosley, Kim Stanley Robinson, Roger Zelazny, Octavia Butler, Fritz Leiber, Guillermo del Toro, M. K. Wren, and others.
Pay what you want. Support charity.

As with all Humble Bundles, customers can choose how their purchase dollars are allocated, between the comic creators and charity. The Humble Horror Book Bundle supports Worldbuilders, fights to end hunger by selling rare books, as well as the SFWA Emergency Medical and Legal Fund, which aids science fiction and fantasy writing professionals nationwide.
The Humble Post-Apocalyptic Book Bundle runs for two weeks and ends Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 11 a.m. Pacific time.
About Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle organizes pay-what-you-want plus charity promotions for awesome digital content and puts the power directly in the hands of the consumers, offering them fully-featured titles at
prices they set themselves. Consumers pay what they want and decide how
to allocate their money between content creators, charity and a humble
tip. Humble Bundle also offers the Humble Store, a digital storefront
that features great games at great prices with a portion of sales going
to select charities. Since the company’s launch in 2010, Humble Bundle
has helped empower its community to allocate more than $47 million
toward charity to date. For more information, please visit https://www.humblebundle.com
For more info about AFTER THE FALL, BEFORE THE FALL, DURING THE FALL, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story.
Tachyon donates Kage Baker’s THE HOTEL UNDER THE SAND to Worldreader
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized Ann Monn, charity, ebooks, fantasy, kage baker, the hotel under the sand, worldreader
As featured on their site, Kage Baker’s The Hotel Under The Sand joins the Worldreader digital collection of over 11,000 books in 44 languages.
The charity “is on a mission to bring digital books to every child and her family, so that they can improve their lives.”
Literacy is transformative: it increases earning potential, decreases inequality, improves health outcomes and breaks the cycle of poverty (UNESCO). Yet there are 740 million illiterate people in this world and 250 million children of primary school age who lack basic reading and writing skills (UNESCO). Books are necessary for the development of these skills, and still 50% of schools in Africa have few or no books at all (SACMEQ II).
To learn more about and how they accomplish these admirable goals, visit the Worldreader site.
For more on The Hotel Under the Sand, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn
DARKNESS invades the Humble Horror Book Bundle
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized afterlife with archie, Ann Monn, anthology, buffy the vampire slayer, charity, clive barker, comic book legal defense fund, dan simmons, darkness, darkness: two decades of modern horror, Ellen Datlow, George R. R. Martin, horror, humble bundle, joe hill, joss whedon, locke & key, max brooks, neil gaiman, rape abuse and incest national network, shadowman, son of kali, stephen king, zombies
We are proud to announce the inclusion of award-winning, superstar editor Ellen Datlow’s “superb sampling of some of the most significant short horror works published between 1985 and 2005” Darkness in the the Humble Horror Book Bundle.
The chilling collection of horror books and comics includes works from Stephen King, George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, Joss Whedon, Joe Hill, Max Brooks, and Dan Simmons
Pay what you want. Support charity.

San Francisco, Calif. – October 29, 2014 – ‘Tis the season for terror in this chilling collection of horror books and comics. Humble Bundle has teamed with several of the leading publishers to kick off the Halloween season right with a variety of the most sought after horror books on the market. Customers can pay what they want while supporting charity and satisfying their craving for carnage all at once with the Humble Horror Book Bundle which includes works by such luminaries as Stephen King, George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, Joss Whedon, Joe Hill, Max Brooks and many more.
Customers can name their price for Shadowman Vol. 4: Fear, Blood, and Shadows, Song of Kali, The Mocking Dead Vol. 1, Houses of the Holy, The Last Zombie, Zombies: The Recent Dead, plus two FREE songs by band on the rise, A Sound of Thunder. Those who pay more than the average price will also receive Buffy Omnibus Vol. 1, Clive Barker’s Hellraiser: The Dark Watch, Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer, Swan Song and Knights of Sidonia, Humble Bundle’s first ever manga title. Customers who pay $15 or more will receive all of the above, plus Darkness: Two Decades of Modern Horror, the Eisner award-winning Locke & Key, Vol 1: Welcome To Lovecraft and the first two issues of the acclaimed series Afterlife with Archie.
“Humble Bundle is proud to include so many quality horror titles in one place,” said Humble Bundle’s Director of Books Kelley Allen. “From vampires to witches plus a horde of zombies, this bundle has everything a horror reader could want by some of the genre’s biggest names.”
As with all Humble Bundles, customers can choose how their purchase dollars are allocated, between the comic creators and charity. The Humble Horror Book Bundle supports the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, the nation’s largest anti-sexual assault organization as well as the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund which defends first amendment rights of comic book professionals nationwide.
The Humble Horror Book Bundle runs for two weeks and ends Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 11 a.m. Pacific time.
About Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle organizes pay-what-you-want plus charity promotions for awesome digital content and puts the power directly in the hands of the consumers, offering them fully-featured titles at prices they set themselves. Consumers pay what they want and decide how to allocate their money between content creators, charity and a humble tip. Humble Bundle also offers the Humble Store, a digital storefront that features great games at great prices with a portion of sales going to select charities. Since the company’s launch in 2010, Humble Bundle has helped empower its community to allocate more than $47 million toward charity to date. For more information, please visit https://www.humblebundle.com
For more info about Darkness: Two Decades of Modern Horror, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn.
Tachyon donates Kage Baker’s THE HOTEL UNDER THE SAND to Worldreader
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized Ann Monn, blog, charity, donation, essay, jacob weisman, kage baker, Kathleen Bartholomew, Kathleen Kage and the Company, the hotel under the sand, worldreader
Kathleen Bartholomew, sister and sometime co-writer of the late Kage Baker, writers about her sister, charity, and the sharing of The Hotel Under The Sand in her blog entry “It Has To Go Around, First” at Kathleen, Kage and the Company.
Kage Baker held, as one of her core philosophies, the venerable axiom: What goes around, comes around.
She wasn’t, ever, anything close to rich. But she did what she could. On Federal tax forms, when they ask you if you want to donate to causes, Kage chose things like education, national parks, endangered animals, veteran’s care. And she never, ever contributed anything to the government’s Presidential campaign slush funds – she said she wasn’t going to encourage politicians by letting them think their power grabs were a legitimate public charity.
Whenever Kage got an advance or a royalty, we went shopping for the local Food Bank. Big checks meant cases of canned tuna and chicken – protein’s hard to come by at Food Banks. Smaller checks went to peanut butter, pasta, rice, beans and other sturdy carbs. The guys at the warehouse got to know us by sight. That made Kage proud.
Today, I got a call from Jacob Weisman, the splendid head of Tachyon Publications. Jacob was good for Kage, and he’s been good for me, too. He’s a joy to work with; he and all his fine folks at Tachyon.
Jacob had been contacted by a non-profit charity called Worldreader, which can be found, Dear Readers, at (http://www.worldreader.org/). These good people supply ebooks to developing countries, to phones and tablets and Kindles. Most of them are in the keeping of schools and teachers, and the books are supplied to them for the use of their students. Especially little girls … So when Jacob asked me how I felt about donating The Hotel Under the Sand (published by him) to this project – I said YES!
Yes, yes, and yes again. This is the sort of thing Kage wrote the book for: our niece Emma, a little girl in a bad spot, who needed to know the world could be better if she was strong and brave and true. The Emma for whom she wrote it is a young woman now – in Annapolis, studying to be (surprise!) a naval officer. Blue water and gold braid run deep in our family …
Read the rest of Bartholomew’s essay at Kathleen, Kage and the Company.
To learn more about Worldreader, visit their site.
For more on The Hotel Under the Sand, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn
Alec Checkerfield Uncategorized anthology, charity, David G. Hartwell, ebook, Ellen Datlow, fantasy, horror, humble bundle, jacob weisman, lovecraft's monsters, short stories, the sword & sorcery anthology

Humble eBook Bundle 4 offers nine titles including two Tachyon books.
Blood will flow, heads will roll, dragons will soar, and the dead shall rise. Journey to ancient cities ruled by sinister mages, storm-tossed seas where monsters dwell, mysterious towers full of ancient secrets, and dark dungeons with untold treasures. From Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian to George R. R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire, join the legendary heroes and villains in nineteen epic adventures that are sure to bring out the barbarian in you.
Anti-hero Elric infiltrates a band of mercenaries to match wits with a powerful sorcerer. With her trio of dragons, Daenerys Stormbringer makes a fool’s bargain with slave traders. A mage’s apprentice, the young Grey Mouser uses newfound power to battle an evil duke. Conan breaks into the Tower of the Elephant to steal a spectacular jewel with a dark secret. Despite her drunkard’s ways, Malmury slays an old sea troll before facing his powerful daughter.
“Heroes and their mighty deeds populate the pages of this delightfully kitschy yet absorbing anthology of sword and sorcery short stories from the 1930s onward. Hartwell and Weisman have selected some of the best short-form work in the genre, starting with the originator, Robert E. Howard, and his tales of Conan the Barbarian. The heroes are tough, savvy, and willing to knock a few heads in to get the job done. The soldier of Glen Cook’s Dread Empire and Fritz Leiber’s Grey Mouser make strong appearances, as does Michael Moorcock’s Elric of Melniboné and his dread sword, Stormbringer. Female heroes are as ruthless as their male counterparts: C.L. Moore’s Jirel of Joiry walks through Hell and back to get her revenge, while George R. R. Martin’s Daenerys Stormborn becomes a true queen by outmaneuvering an entire city of slavers. This is an unbeatable selection from classic to modern, and each story brings its A game.”
—Publishers Weekly, starred review
“The 19 stories in this volume span a time period from 1933 to 2012 and provide a strong introduction to this fantasy subgenre.”
—Library Journal
“Awesome collection, very highly recommended.”
—Nerds in Babeland
“Superbly presented…reignited this reader’s interest.”
—SF Site
“A big, meaty collection of genre highlights that runs the gamut from old-school classics to new interpretations, it serves as an excellent introduction and primer in one.”
—Green Man Review
“Hard and fast-paced fantasy that’s strong from the first piece right through to the last.”
—Shades of Sentience
“Hartwell and Weisman’s choices are top-notch and provide both an excellent introduction to the subgenre for new readers and exciting reading for long-time fans.”
—Grasping for the Wind
“This engaging anthology is a terrific way to meet some of the best fantasists for those unfamiliar with their works and for returning vets a chance to enjoy fun short stories.”
—Midwest Book Review
Table of Contents
“Introduction: Storytellers: A Guided Ramble into Sword and Sorcery Fiction” by David Drake
“The Tower of the Elephant” by Robert E. Howard
“Black God’s Kiss” by C. L. Moore
“The Unholy Grail” by Fritz Leiber
“The Tale of Hauk” by Poul Anderson
“The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams” by Michael Moorcock
“The Adventuress” by Joanna Russ
“Gimmile’s Song” by Charles R. Saunders
“Undertow” by Karl Edward Wagner
“The Stages of the God” by Ramsey Campbell (writing as Montgomery Comfort)
“The Barrow Troll” by David Drake
“Soldier of an Empire Unacquainted With Defeat” by Glen Cook
“Epistle From Lebanoi” by Michael Shea
“Become a Warrior” by Jane Yolen
“The Red Guild” by Rachel Pollack
“Six From Atlantis” by Gene Wolfe
“The Sea Troll’s Daughter” by Caitlín R. Kiernan
“The Coral Heart” by Jeffrey Ford
“Path of the Dragon” by George R. R. Martin
“The Year of the Three Monarchs” by Michael Swanwick
Lovecraft’s Monsters
Edited by Ellen Datlow
Behold these newly-illustrated legends of modern horror’s most wicked progeny. In Lovecraft’s Monsters, H. P. Lovecraft’s famous creations—Cthulhu, Shoggoths, Deep Ones, and more—are celebrated in all their terrifying glory. Contributors include such literary luminaries as Neil Gaiman, Joe R. Lansdale, Caitlín R. Kiernan, Karl Edward Wagner, Elizabeth Bear, and Nick Mamatas. The monsters are lovingly rendered in spectacular original art by World Fantasy Award–winning artist John Coulthart (The Steampunk Bible).
“Ellen Datlow’s second editorial outing into the realm of Lovecraft proves even more fruitful than the first. Focusing on Lovecraftian monsters, Datlow offers readers sixteen stories and two poems of a variety that should please any fans of the genre.”
—The Arkham Digest
“…amazing and creative tales each with a striking illustration by John Coulthart…I fully recommend adding this nice anthology for all fans of Lovecraft.”
—Dark Corner
“Lovecraft’s Monsters, edited by Ellen Datlow and published by Tachyon Publications, is a reprint anthology of some carefully chosen and mighty fine Lovecraftian short stories, novellas and poems…. All in all it is a terrific selection of works, and one that any fan of Lovecratian works should add to their collection.”
“[A]n amazing and diverse treasure trove of stories. As an avid fan of Lovecraft’s monstrous creations, THIS is the anthology I’ve been waiting for.”
—Shattered Ravings
“Where else, in one anthology, can a reader jump from roman noir werewolves to steampunk tanks in the Amazon to tales of forbidden love on the Innsmouth shore to Pinkerton agents in the Wild West?… Fortunately, we have Ellen Datlow to lead the way.”
“The result is a delightful array of little pieces that range in mood and subject. Unholy sacrifice, forbidden love, a private dick on the trail of a murderer—there’s something there for everyone.”
—The Jaded Consumer
“Editor Ellen Datlow has put together an anthology that will rock your liquid fantasies. Tachyon Publications has produced an excellent themed anthology. Lovecraft enthusiasts will plunge into the volume and be happily immersed in the content.”
—Diabolique Magazine
“Each story is a dark wonder and the volume itself is absolutely gorgeous, sumptuously illustrated throughout with steampunky-baroque original art by World Fantasy Award-winning artist John Coulthart. Lovecraft’s Monsters is a must-have for every fan of dark speculative fiction, so click on the cover graphic and grab it!”
—The Tomb of Dark Delights
“[A] delightful array of little pieces that range in mood and subject…. Unholy sacrifice, forbidden love, a private dick on the trail of a murderer—there’s something there for everyone.”
—The Jaded Consumer
“So I am telling you now, in the name of Yog-Sothoth, get this book, and prepare to lose some sleep.”
—The Bookend Family
“…an entirely enjoyable read… for Mythos devotees I would highly recommend picking it up”
—Seattle Geekly
“For Lovecraft’s Monsters, each writer had the same agenda: come up with a fresh take on one of the legendary author’s otherworldly creatures, like Cthulhu, the Shoggoths, the Elder Things and Yog-Sothoth. (Trust, they’re scarier than those tongue-twisting names suggest.) Adding to the book’s excellence, illustrator John Coulthart provided gorgeous new black-and-white artwork for each story.”
“Lovecraft’s Monsters will appeal to fans of Lovecraft’s work, particularly his Mythos stories, and to readers of dark fiction everywhere. Datlow is an experienced and keen editor of dark fiction and has assembled a truly impressive list of stories.”
“Datlow brings together some of the top SF/F and horror writers working today and has them play in Lovecraft’s bizarre world. And that’s a delight.”
—January Magazine
“There’s a lot to love in Lovecraft’s Monsters, an anthology which is both faithful and inventive at the same time. Unafraid to take risks and snazzily illustrated, this collection is proof that the Cthulhu cult remains as strong as ever.”
Table of Contents
Introduction by Ellen Datlow
Foreword by Stefan Dziemianowicz
“Only the End of the World Again” by Neil Gaiman
“The Bleeding Shadow” by Joe R. Lansdale
“Love Is Forbidden, We Croak and Howl” by Caitlín R. Kiernan
“Bulldozer” by Laird Barron
“A Quarter to Three” by Kim Newman
“Inelastic Collisions” by Elizabeth Bear
“That of Which We Speak When We Speak of the Unspeakable” by Nick Mamatas
“Red Goat Black Goat” by Nadia Bulkin
“Jar of Salts” and “Haruspicy” by Gemma Files
“Black as the Pit From Pole to Pole” by Howard Waldrop and Steven Utley
“I’ve Come to Talk With You Again” by Karl Edward Wagner
“The Sect of the Idiot” by Thomas Ligotti
“The Dappled Thing” by William Browning Spencer
“The Same Deep Waters as You” by Brian Hodge
“Remnants” by Fred Chappell
“Waiting at the Cross Roads Motel” by Steve Rasnic Tem
“Children of the Fang” by John Langan