Tachyon tidbits featuring Peter S. Beagle, Julie Phillips, Neil Clarke, and dystopia
The latest reviews, news, and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.

Peter S. Beagle (photo: Rina Weisman), Julie Phillips (Chris van Houts), and Neil Clarke (Shawn McConnell)
Andrea Blythe on her eponymous site praises Peter S. Beagle’s IN CALABRIA
I also enjoyed IN CALABRIA by Peter S. Beagle, which presents a lovely story of an ornery old farmer who discovers that unicorns have decided to take up residence on his land.

Julie Phillips, author of the extraordinary, award-winning biography JAMES TIPTREE, JR.: THE DOUBLE LIFE OF ALICE B. SHELDON, and her daughter Jooske van Houten, stopped by the Tachyon offices for a visit.

Jooske van Houten, Jullie Phillips, publisher Jacob Weisman, and managing editor Jill Roberts (photo: Rina Weisman)
Jooske, Jacob, Rina, Jill, and Julie hung out for several hours. Discussions ranged from Tiptree (of course) to Julie’s book projects (she’s working on a Le Guin biography and on a nonfiction book on writing and mothering, THE BABY ON THE FIRE ESCAPE), about not being at the Helsinki WorldCon, and the forthcoming eclipse.

For the Issue 131, August 2017 CLARKESWORLD, founder/editor Neil Clarke answered Twitter questions in his latest editorial.
Emily Swaim @swaimea: Return of the novella as a storytelling medium, in regards to companion stories for franchises and the popularity of Japanese light novels
I can’t speak with much experience about the Japanese light novels, but the return of the novella is a rather nice development. You might have noticed that we’ve snuck in a few in the that last couple of years. For us, it’s always been a budget and space issue and I’d love to do more. In some ways, the novella is just catching the tail-end of what caused the increase in short fiction readership in recent years: online and digital publishing. I’ll single Tor.com and Tachyon Publications as two publishers that have made a mark with their novellas. More will follow.

Art by Pascal Blanche
VULTURE cites 100 Great Works of Dystopian Fiction, which includes selections from six Tachyon authors.

Among the magnificent authors listed are Lauren Beukes (MOXYLAND), Harlan Ellison (“I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream”), Nalo Hopkinson (BROWN GIRL IN THE RING), Mary Shelley (THE LAST MAN), James Tiptree, Jr. (”The Girl Who Was Plugged In,” reprinted in HER SMOKE ROSE UP FOREVER), and Jo Walton (THE JUST CITY).
For more info about IN CALABRIA, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
For more info about HER SMOKE ROSE UP FOREVER, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by John Picacio