Tachyon tidbits featuring Nancy Kress, David Ebenbach, Michael Cadnum, and Nick Mamatas
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.
Nancy Kress
Photo by Liza TrombiDavid Ebenbach Michael Cadnum Nick Mamatas
Photo by Tristian Crane
Russell Letson selects Nancy Kress’ SEA CHANGE for the LOCUS 2020 Holiday Countdown of Staff Picks.
Russell Letson picks SEA CHANGE by Nancy Kress, which “sets its present action in the Pacific Northwest only a dozen years from now, in a troubled America shaken by the effects not only of climate change but of an unexpected Catastrophe that generated a public reaction against genetic experimentation and a government response more severe than the post-9/11 security crackdowns, with an entire new agency, the Department of Agricultural Security doing the cracking.”

Cover by Elizabeth Story
On the Tachyon Publications Channel, David Ebenbach discusses the forthcoming HOW TO MARS.
Not out until May, HOW TO MARS is available for pre-order through all finer booksellers or direct from Tachyon.
On the Russian site FANTLAB Лаборатория Фантастики, Vladimir Anikeev shares an overview of Michael Cadnum’s publications.
Michael Cadnum (born 1949) is an American writer and poet. He studied at the University of California (Berkeley) and the University of San Francisco. He currently lives in Albany, California. He has written about four dozen books for children, adolescents and adult readers. His prose for adult readers is distinguished by a catchy and poignant plot, and many of his books for young readers are based on myths, legends and biographies of historical figures.
Translation from Russian courtesy of Google
His list of publications opens with Nightlight (1990; a San Francisco journalist travels with a girlfriend to California to track down his cousin, where they discover Lena’s obsession with cemeteries and ghosts has become terrifying).
Cover by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law Cover by Elizabeth Story
Michele Brittany and Nicholas Diak, on H.P. LOVECRAFT PODCAST (HP Lovecast Presents: Fragments Ep 05), interview Nick Mamatas.