Tachyon tidbits featuring James Morrow, Peter S. Beagle, Nalo Hopkinson, and Christopher Brown
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.

James Morrow (photo: Scott Edelman), Peter S. Beagle (Rina Weisman), Nalo Hopkinson (David Findlay), and Christopher Brown
Scott Edelman dines and chats with James Morrow on the new episode of EATING THE FANTASTIC.
We discussed his first novel (written when he was only seven years old!), why he feels more connected to the fiction of Arthur C. Clarke than that of Robert Heinlein and Isaac Asimov, his many paths not taken, including that of filmmaker, the ethical conundrum which occurred after Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. autographed a book “for Jim Morrow, who writes just like me,” how Charles Darwin “confiscated our passports,” and much more.

At BUSTLE, Sadie L. Trombetta lists Peter S. Beagle’s among 9 Modern Greek Mythology Retellings That Will Change The Way You Think About The Classic Tales.
A modern and very lose interpretation of the myth of Persephone and Hades, Peter S. Beagle’s long-awaited novel is filled with as much magic, wonder, and excitement as the original tale. When the young and captivating Lioness arrives in Puget sound, the lives of long-time partners Abe and Joanna are changed forever. The mysterious young girl awakens something inside of them, but it doesn’t take more than a summer season for Lioness’s own dark past to start to chill the world around them. Inventive, sexy, and lyrical, SUMMERLONG will make you fall in love with myths all over again.

READ DIVERSE BOOKS recommends Nalo Hopkinson’s FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS in Give Short Fiction A Chance! – 12 Diverse Short Story Collections And Anthologies That Will Win You Over.
Fans of Fantasy and Science-Fiction must read Nalo Hopkinson’s World Fantasy Award winning short story collection. The stories are fascinatingly complex and imaginative. Some are only a couple of pages long, others are 20 pages, but they all demonstrate Hopkinson’s gift for telling a memorable tale.

Christopher Brown, writer of the sensational afterword to Bruce Sterling’s PIRATE UTOPIA, shared the cover to his forthcoming first novel TROPIC OF KANSAS.

For more info on THE ASYLUM OF DR. CALIGARI, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story
For more info on SUMMERLONG, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Magdalena Korzeniewska
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more information on FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Chuma Hill
Design by Elizabeth Story