Join Rebecca Roanhorse, Joe R. Lansdale, Rick Klaw, and Jacob Weisman at Armadillocon

Guest of Honor Rebecca Roanhorse, whose short story “Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™” appears in forthcoming THE NEW VOICES OF SCIENCE FICTION, Rick Klaw, Joe R. Lansdale, and Tachyon publisher Jacob Weisman will be among the many attendees at ArmadiloCon 41 (August 2-4) in Austin, TX.
ArmadilloCon is an annual literary convention sponsored by the Fandom Association of Central Texas, Inc. The primary focus of ArmadilloCon is science fiction and fantasy, but we also pay attention to art, animation, science, media, and gaming. Every year, dozens of professional writers, artists and editors attend the convention. We invite you to attend the convention, especially if you are a fan of reading, writing, gaming, and generally having fun.

Jacob Weisman and Rick Klaw having a good time at the Tachyon table during Armadillocon 36 (photo: Brandy Whitten)
- Guest of Honor: Rebecca Roanhorse
- Toastmaster: Marshall Ryan Maresca
- Fan Guest: Dan Tolliver
- Editor Guest: Patrice Caldwell
- Science Guest: Moriba K. Jah
- Special Guest: Martha Wellls

ArmadilloCon offers a large selection of readings, signings, and panels. To find any of these authors, check out the entire schedule on their site.