Booksellers and librarians get Carrie Vaughn’s THE IMMORTAL CONQUISTADOR, the vampire origin story of Kitty Norville’s famed ally Rick
Review copies of Carrie Vaughn’s THE IMMORTAL CONQUISTADOR are now available via EDELWEISS and NETGALLEY.

“A must have for Kitty Norville fans, but also an excellent standalone
for readers new to Vaughn’s worlds.” —Kelley Armstrong, author of Bitten
and Wherever She Goes
From Carrie Vaughn, author of the beloved Kitty Norville werewolf
talk-show host series, comes the vampire origin story of Kitty’s famed
ally, Rick—and his sudden turn to darkness in the seventeenth century.
More than 500 years before his friendship with Kitty, noble Ricardo de
Avila’s life met a fate-changing twist, and his morally-complex,
blood-soaked existence as an immortal began.
Before being turned, Ricardo de Avila would have followed Coronado to
the ends of the earth. Instead he found the end of his mortal life—and a
new one, as a renegade vampire.
For over five hundred years as an immortal, Ricardo has followed his
own moral code, upsetting the established order in the demon world. He
has protected his found family from marauding evil, joined up with a
legendary gunslinger, tended bar, appointed himself the Master of
Denver, and discovered a church buried under the Vatican.
The life of a vampire is frequently long, but for Rick, it is never easy.
For more info about THE IMMORTAL CONQUISTADOR, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Rebecca Harp
Cover design by Elizabeth Story