Join Naseem Jamnia, author of the highly anticipated THE BRUISING OF QILWA, for a live chat about the Persian New Year
Over at Instagram on Wednesday March 16th, 5pm PT/8 ET, Naseem Jamnia (@jamsternazzy), author of THE BRUISING OF QILWA talks about the Persian New Year with fellow writers Susan Azim Boyer (@susanazimboyer), Adib Khorram (@adibkhorram), and Olivia Abtahi (@olivaabtahi).
We’ll talk about the way our heritages come up in our work, show off our haft seens (Adib has a whole picture book called SEVEN SPECIAL SOMETHINGS about them!), and what our childhoods looked like as children of Iranian immigrants in the US. (please note that being Persian or having Persianate cultural ties spreads beyond Iran, and Norooz is celebrated in countries like Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and others as well. We four just happen to have Iranian ancestry.)