YESTERDAY’S KIN is a strong, successful work

At Alas, a Blog, Rachel Swirsky recommends YESTERDAY’S KIN as one of the best novellas of 2014, while the Spanish language Fantástica – Ficción says “the Nancy Kress tale is a good story, much better than AFTER THE FALL, BEFORE THE FALL, DURING THE FALL.”
I’m not doing much of a thematic analysis here, but it’s a strong work, and very successful at being the kind of story it sets out to be (not an easy task). I enjoy its complex plot and all the intellectual bells and whistles that keep my science fictional brain happy.
The author blends biology with some ideas of science fiction, such as panspermia , in a balanced cocktail that leaves a good aftertaste. The two points of view provide the narration, contrasting the more cerebral and scientific guidance of the doctor with the most sentimental of his son. As time passes, however, the evolution of history cause changes rather radical in both characters and their way of telling what happens, something very naturally driven and successful by Kress.
The pace is appropriate. Nancy explains the scientific discoveries of a perfectly understandable way. The only complaint one could find, and putting picky, is that the future of humanity is so harmed by the actions of one family. But for that are the protagonists of the story.
(Poor translation courtesy of Google)
For more on YESTERDAY’S KIN, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty.