Win a copy of Elly Bangs’ debut novel UNITY, a brilliant re-envisioning of identity which evokes the grittiness of Mad Max and the idealism of Sense8

With the help of the fine folks at GOODREADS, we’re giving away UNITY by Elly Bangs.
Imagine Neuromancer and Lilith’s Brood conceived a baby while listening to My Chemical Romance and then that baby was adopted by Ghost in the Shell and Blue Submarine no. 6. The baby’s name is Unity.
—Meredith Russo, author of If I Were Your Girl
Evoking the gritty cyberpunk of Mad Max and the fluid idealism of Sense8, Unity is a spectacular new re-envisioning of humanity. Breakout author Elly Bangs has created an expressive, philosophical, science-fiction thriller that expands upon consciousness itself.
Danae is not only herself. She is concealing a connection to a grieving collective inside of her body. But while she labors as a tech servant in the dangerous underwater enclave of Bloom City, her fractured self cannot mend.
In a desperate escape, Danae and her lover Naoto hire the enigmatic ex-mercenary Alexei to guide them out of the imploding city.
But for Danae to reunify, the three new fugitives will have to flee across the otherworldly beauty of the postapocalyptic Southwest. Meanwhile, Danae’s warlord enemy, the Duke, and a strange new foe, the Borrower, already seek them at any price.
Breakneck pacing, non-stop action, and delightfully-damaged characters combine with some of the most intricate and clever worldbuilding I’ve seen in ages to make this an incredibly memorable debut.
—Sam J. Miller, author of The Art of Starving
Thousands of years in the future, the United States has fractured into various countries. Crossing the borders can be tricky, and violence is an easy way to settle disputes. Danae is a unique being: they are old and claim responsibility for saving humanity a few times, but they are in pieces. In order to reunite with their whole self, they must escape their current city. Danae and her lover Naoto hire an ex-mercenary, Alexi, to guide them and keep them safe as they attempt their reunion. Danae and Naoto show a softer side of the apocalypse as they love one another completely. Naoto supports and loves Danae, through the difficult—and probably fatal—journey. But with mercenaries and—Danae’s biggest fear—evangelicals around, the book has an end-of-the-world vibe. The apocalyptic landscape is terrifying, beautiful, and well thought out. Readers may very well draw parallels between this future-U.S. and our current reality.