Happy birthday to the award-winning, multi-faceted Pat Murphy

Pat Murphy at the 2013 San Antonio Worldcon (photo: Lawrence Person)
Writer, scientist, and toy maker, Pat Murphy has written eight novels, numerous short stories, innumerable essays, and several nonfiction works. Her many award winning works include The Falling Woman (Nebula), Points Of Departure (Philip K. Dick), “Bones” (World Fantasy), “There and Back Again” (Seiun), and “Rachel in Love” (Nebula, Theodore Sturgeon Memorial, Locus, Asimov’s Readers’ Poll).

Murphy’s other acclaimed novels include THE SHADOW HUNTER, The City, Not Long After, the Max Merriwell series (There and Back Again, Wild Angel, and Adventures in Time and Space with Max Merriwell), Nadya, and Prophecy. Her short fiction was collected in Points of Departure and Women Up to No Good. Three of Murphy’s stories “Rachel in Love,” “A Flock of Lawn Flamingos,” and “About Fairies” each appeared as separate chapbooks.

Alongside her other literary accolades and pursuits, she co-founded (with Karen Joy Fowler) the James Tiptree, Jr. Award. With Debbie Notkin and Jeffrey D. Smith, the duo edited three volumes of THE JAMES TIPTREE AWARD ANTHOLOGY.

Previously, Murphy was the science editor for Klutz Books and worked at the Exploratorium with Frank Oppenheimer. Currently she acts as the Activity Guru for Mystery Science, where she serves as the brains behind all the hands-on activities
All of us Tachyon wish the extraordinary Pat a special birthday full of cool things that she creates and not.
For more info about THE SHADOW HUNTER, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Rob Alexander
For more info about A FLOCK OF LAWN FLAMINGOS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Kevin Farrell
For more info about THE JAMES TIPTREE AWARD ANTHOLOGY, visit the Tachyon page.
Covers by John D. Berry