In a special SF in SF, spend an evening with legendary grandmaster Michael Moorcock

SF IN SF, in partnership with Tachyon Publications and the American Bookbinders Museum, welcomes the iconic Michael Moorcock, creator of numerous legendary characters including the definitive fantasy anti-hero Elric, the proto-cyberpunk Jerry Cornelius, and arguably the first modern steampunk protagonist Oswald Bastable, pioneer of the multiverse, and as the editor of NEW WORLDS, ushered in the New Wave literary movement.

Source: A.V. CLUB
Following a conversation with Terry Bisson, Moorcock will sign books.

Monday, April 9, 2018
Doors open at 6PM – Event begins at 7PM
The American Bookbinders Museum
355 Clementina
San Francisco, CA
$10 – Pre-order – general admission, guaranteed seating
$12 at the door
$8 for students with valid high school/college ID

Booksigning will be done at the end of the event.
~~~~~Three books at a time, then back in line~~~~
Multiple trips through the line as time, and the author’s discretion, permits
Bring your best to ensure you get what you want signed!
A variety of Moorcock titles will be available at the event as well
courtesy of our bookseller, Borderlands Books.
No shipments of books will be accepted for signing for this event
either to Borderlands, or to SF in SF
Podcasted by SOMA FM – SF’s internet radio station

For more info about THE BEST OF MICHAEL MOORCOCK, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn