2023 Locus Recommended Reading List includes titles by Naseem Jamnia, R. B. Lemberg, Sam J. Miller, Patrick O’Leary, and Lavie Tidhar

LOCUS released their annual recommended reading list. Tachyon is proud to have several selections including Naseem Jamnia’s THE BRUISING OF QILWA, R. B. Lemberg’s THE UNBALANCING (also for Geometries of Belonging), Sam J. Miller’s BOYS, BEASTS & MEN and the original story from that collection “Sun in an Empty Room” (also for “Iconophobe” and Kid Wolf and Kraken Boy), Patrick O’Leary’s 51, and Lavie Tidhar’s NEOM (also for The Best of World SF: Volume 2 and “It Happened in ‘Loontown'”).

Design by Elizabeth Story
Other Tachyon authors and editors receiving notice include Charlie Jane Anders, Ellen Datlow, Daryl Gregory, Eileen Gunn, John Kessel, Marjorie Liu, and Alastair Reynolds.
Congrats to all.

Choose your favorites by voting in the 2022 Poll & Survey. The Poll decides the winners of the Locus Awards, presented in June 2023 at the Locus Awards Weekend, and is open to all.