Happy birthday to Nebula Award finalist Dave Smeds

The Nebula Award-nominated writer Dave Smeds has authored six novels including the two volume War of The Dragon series (The Sorcery Within [1985] and The Schemes of Dragons [1989]), the original X-Men novel The Law of the Jungle (1998), and Piper in the Night (2001). A senior black belt in goju-ryu karate, he used this experience for the kids book Karate Girls #1: The Bully. Smeds, also, produced the middle reader biography Chuck Norris: Martial Arts Masters (2002).

His numerous short stories have been collected in Earthly Pleasures (1996 as Reed Manning), EMBRACING THE STARLIGHT (2003), Raiding the Hoard of Enchantment: Seven Tales of High Fantasy (2012), and Futures Near and Far (2014). Smeds co-edited Spells Unbound (1993 with Robert Fleming).
All of us at Tachyon wish the fantastic Dave, a happy birthday.