Tachyon tidbits featuring Naseem Jamnia, Marjorie Liu, Stanley G. Weinbaum, and Jacob Weisman & David Sandner

The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.

In their Reading Round-up, There’s Always Room for One More has complimentary things to say about THE BRUISING OF QILWA by Naseem Jamnia.

THE BRUISING OF QILWA was one of the best reading experiences of my entire life, thanks to an annotated proof courtesy of author Naseem Jamnia (hands-down the best giveaway ever). There’s so much world-building and character packed into this novella, it was amazing to explore it with the author sitting at my side (figuratively speaking).

Cover for THE BRUISING OF QILWA by Naseem Jamnia
Cover by Elizabeth Story

Veronika Groke on their eponymous site praises Marjorie Liu’s THE TANGLEROOT PALACE.

Along with her remarkable versatility as a writer, it is above all this ability to make her readers question the seemingly obvious that sets Liu’s stories apart from others of the same kind. Liu doesn’t do twist endings as much as stories that are twisted all the way through, like the branches in the eponymous Tangleroot Forest. Yet while Liu’s characters may occasionally get lost in the woods, her storylines never do. Charming and menacing to equal degrees, they confidently invite her readers to follow along and embrace the darkness within.

Cover art by Sana Takeda
Design by Elizabeth Story

For Tor.com, Alan Brown enjoys Stanley G. Weinbaum’s THE BLACK FLAME.

THE BLACK FLAME was a rare tale for its time. Despite being set in the far future, at its heart it is a love story, a tale of a man torn between two women: Evanie, a young woman from a small town, and the beautiful, talented, and immortal Margaret of Urbs, the sister of the Master who rules mankind. But the book is also full of interesting speculation regarding a post-apocalyptic future, the impact of immortality, and more than a little action and adventure.

Cover by Michael Dashow

Andrew Wheeler on his The Antick Musings of G.B.H. Hornswoggler, Gent. writes about David Sander and Jacob Weisman’s sequel to Mingus FingersHellhounds.

These books sound deeply weird in the best ways; I again insist that I will find time to read them.

Cover by Tom Canty