With THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION, Peter Watts once again makes far-future science magic seem tangible

PUBLISHERS WEEKLY includes Peter Watts’ THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION among PW Picks: Books of the Week, May 28, 2018.
Watts pits the drive toward success against the need for connection, leading to an ending as open and as expansive as the universe. SF fans will love this tale of bizarre future employment and genuine wonder.

THE 1000 YEAR PLAN praises the story.
The most striking thing about the scope of THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION is the way it makes the scale of the universe and the wonder of discovery feel like more of a prison than a liberating experience.
Watts falls within the lineage of classic hard SF writers who can make far-future science magic seem tangible, but his true gift lies in how personable he makes it feel. Heavy themes like alienation, the value of existence, and the nature of consciousness are woven into the brisk narrative with humor and pathos. Watts may be too smart to let a big idea pass by without picking it to pieces, but above all, THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION is fun to read.
[THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION is a stand-alone story in Watts’ Sunflower Cycle; the first story in the cycle is “The Island”, which won the Hugo Award for Best Novelette in 2010, and is available in Watts’ collection BEYOND THE RIFT, as well as the forthcoming anthology The Final Frontier, edited by Neil Clarke (July 10). It is not necessary to read the rest of the cycle before reading THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION, though “The Island” is well worth checking out.]

BLACK GATE previews the book.
His short fiction Sunflower Cycle kicked off in 2009 with the Hugo Award-winning “The Island.” There have been three tales in the series so far; you can read them all at Watts’ website. The fourth, the long novella THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION, arrives from Tachyon early next month.
“The Island” (The New Space Opera 2, July 2009) — Hugo Award Winner, Best Novelette
“Giants” (Extreme Planets, December 2013)
“Hotshot” (Reach for Infinity, May 2014)
THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION (Tachyon Publications, June 2018)
For more info on THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story
For more info about BEYOND THE RIFT, visit the Tachyon page
Cover art by Hugh Sicotte
Design by Elizabeth Story