Jane Yolen’s dazzling THE EMERALD CIRCUS maybe the best book of the year
The buzz surrounding Jane Yolen’s forthcoming THE EMERALD CIRCUS continues.

For SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL, Mark Flowers praises the collection and author.
In fact, Jane Yolen’s EMERALD CIRCUS may be my favorite book of the year, period, with apologies to Jeff Vandermeer’s Borne. Many years ago, when I had my own blog, I wrote a post celebrating the versatility of Yolen—one of the few authors who can write top-shelf books at any age level. Emerald Circus is a perfect example of her fluid but rock-solid prose.

Photo: Jason Stemple
Biz Hyzy at BOOKLIST ONLINE enjoys the book.
Ever the wordsmith, Yolen dazzles with her first short story collection for adults in years. In these fairy-tale retellings, she cites popular tales as well as obscure myths, uniting them with strangeness and whimsy. Some entries are dark, some optimistic, but all delve into real-life sensations and emotions.
Readers may even wonder if she, like Hans Christian Andersen in “Andersen’s Witch,” cut a deal with the Ice Maiden to deliver such enchanting results. Even though Yolen subverts the folklore that made the original stories famous in the first place, she stays true to why they matter and why we continue to revisit them.
THE EMERALD CITY BOOK REVIEW announces the forthcoming giveaway for two Tachyon titles.
Thanks to Tachyon Publications, I’m thrilled to be able to offer a giveaway of THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD by Patricia McKillip AND THE EMERALD CIRCUS by Jane Yolen. As well as the US-only giveaway for paperback copies of each book, there will also be an e-book giveaway for the same titles, open internationally.

For more info on THE EMERALD CIRCUS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
For more info about THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty