Happy birthday to the award-winning Susan Palwick

Author, poet, editor, and scholar Susan Palwick‘s began her literary career with the short story “The Woman Who Saved the World” for Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine in 1985. Her first and second novels (Flying in Place [1992] and The Necessary Beggar [2005]) garnered a Crawford and an Alex Award, respectively.

She’s also responsible for a several other acclaimed books including Shelter (2007), Homecoming (2013), Mending the Moon (2013), Recoveries (2018), and The Long View (2022). The Palwick actually won her first literary award (Rhysling) in 1986 for the poem “The Neighbor’s Wife.”
Many of Palwick’s short tales were collected in THE FATE OF MICE (2007) and All Worlds Are Real (2019). After working as an editor for The Little Magazine, Palwick in 1988 help found and joined the initial editorial staff of the famed The New York Review of Science Fiction. She also edited Backlog #1 (Fall 1982).
Professor Emerita at the University of Nevada, Palwick holds a doctoral degree from Yale and is an Episcopalian lay preacher.
All of us at Tachyon wish the amazing Susan a remarkable birthday.