THE EMPEROR’S SOUL is a work of art

At Pendemon, Tim praises Brandon Sanderson’s award-winning THE EMPEROR’S SOUL.
In a short 150 pages, Sanderson builds an epic world for readers to explore from the perspective of a witty and charismatic con artist, even in spite of the fact that she’s confined to little more than a prison cell. He weaves a masterful web of believable characters that seize the readers’ attention and pulls them into the conflict, all while exploring themes like the nature of beauty and the motivation for forgery.
The Emperor’s Soul is an incredible story that everyone should read. It’s short enough to read in an evening and genuinely deserves the Hugo Award it won in 2013.
I might despair at the idea of never achieving a modicum of Sanderson’s talent or success, but there is no denying the quality of his craft.
It truly is a work of art.
Read the rest of Tim’s review at Pendemon.
For more on THE EMPEROR’S SOUL, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Alexander Nanitchkov.
Design by Elizabeth Story.
My Favorite Chocolate Cake
Preheat oven to 400F
Melt over low heat, stirring well: 2 sticks butter, 6 heaping Tablespoons cocoa, 1 c water
Mix: 1 ½ c sugar, 2 c flour, ½ teas baking powder, ½ teas salt, 1 teas soda, ½ c buttermilk, 2 eggs, 1 teas vanilla.
Beat thoroughly.
Combine cooked melted cocoa with flour mixture. Pour into greased, floured pan (9×14) or 2 9” round pans. Bake at 400F for 20 minutes.
(I cant post a pic, but…I made the cake and it tastes great!)
[–]KateElliottAMA Author[S]
That is so fantastic!!!!
Yes, I love this cake. Not too sweet and really strongly chocolate.
I thought if you surprise me with a real recipe, I can surprise you (and myself) with a real cake. 😀 It’s huge, though! I had to make some cupcakes because my cake tin was too small. But my boardgamefriends didn’t mind!
[–]KateElliottAMA Author[S]
This is a perfect cake for board game/RPG parties.
I love that you actually gave a recipe! Noms.
[–]KateElliottAMA Author[S]
I’m very serious about cake.
Thanks! Cake is serious business! 😉