Carrie Vaughn’s entertaining THE IMMORTAL CONQUISTADOR will be enjoyed by both Kitty Norville fans and those who have never read that series

Cover design by Elizabeth Story
If you haven’t read any of the Kitty Norville books, you could probably read THE IMMORTAL CONQUISTADOR without any trouble following along. It’s a quick and entertaining read with an interesting take on vampire lore and what it means to be different. But be warned, if you do read this book, you’ll probably want to read Kitty’s series and it’s a 14 book commitment. But if you like IMMORTAL you’ll have lots of fun with Kitty, too.
H. C. Newton at THE IRRESPONSIBLE READER feels much the same.
A cool bonus of this—you can read it totally independent of the Kitty Norville series. It’s not dependent at all on the events or people of the series (there are references to certain antagonists, but not in any way that makes familiarity with the series necessary for understanding).
I do have to wonder about the timing of this—the series ended almost five years ago, so I’m not sure I get why we’re getting this material in this format now. But that’s just me being curious, not complaining. Did I (or the series) need THE IMMORTAL CONQUISTADOR? No. But I’m very glad I got it.

For REDDIT r/Fantasy, Carrie Vaughn participated in an AMA.
What are you knitting (and/or cross-stitching) right now?
(Hi, it’s Nicole in Boulder – long time no see! 😀 )
Hey there! I watched you in roller derby a couple months ago!
I’m currently knitting a pair of elbow-length fingerless gloves with some yarn my friend brought from Paris. It’s a lace weight intricate pattern, which is really frustrating, so I’m also knitting a scarf that doesn’t require nearly as much thought.
I’m trying to finish those before I start on the next cross stitch projects, which come from this pattern designer:
I keep wanting to start new projects before finishing the old, which I’m blaming on my attention span being completely shot right now.
Oh, those are wonderful cross-stitches! *bookmarks*
Those gloves sound lovely. Good luck finishing them–can I hope to see pictures when they are done?
Also crossing my fingers for MileHiCon, whenever we can have one again!
Those Plague Doctor patterns!
Yeah, I got one of those before all this came down on us. Feeling a little ironic now.