Meet Peter S. Beagle, Tad Williams, and Kathleen Bartholomew

Peter S. Beagle (IN CALABRIA), Tad Williams (THE VERY BEST OF TAD WILLIAMS), and Kathleen Bartholomew (ANCIENT ROCKETS: TREASURES AND TRAINWRECKS OF THE SILENT SCREEN) are attending BayCon 2017 in San Mateo, CA, May 26-29.

Peter S. Beagle (photo: Rina Weisman), Tad Williams, and Kathleen Bartholomew (MidAmericaCon)
The trio will be participating in several events.
Friday, May 26
1:30 PM Longevity Of The Craft
Our panelists look back over writing careers that span decades and discuss what keeps them writing in the long term.
Heather Rose Jones | Peter Beagle | Diana L. Paxson | Tad Williams | Katharine Kerr
4:30 PM Including animals as main figures in your work
Doing it right versus just writing another human in animal form
ElizaBeth Gilligan | Tad Williams | Kevin Andrew Murphy | Jacquelyn Bartel
8 PM Peter Beagle and Friends Jam Session
And by friends, we mean YOU! Join Peter Beagle to kick off our music track. Sing, play and make merry as we celebrate our filk community.

Saturday, May 27
10 AM Building Utopia
A group panel looking at the different ways a society tries to build utopias after an apocalypse.
Prof. David McGaffey | Kathleen Bartholomew | Bradford Lyau | Gregg Castro
10 AM Peter Beagle reading
10:45 AM Tad Williams reading
11:30 AM Autism and Asperger’s In Fandom
Panelists on the spectrum discuss their experiences in fandom.
Thaddeus Howze | Fr John Blaker | Jonathan Fortin | Kathleen Bartholomew | ElizaBeth Gilligan
1 PM High Fantasy
Big, beautiful and bold. What is compelling about high fantasy and why is it formative for so many in our community? Authors of high fantasy discuss why this genre moves them to create and what their favorite stories are to read and to write.
Peter Beagle | Tad Williams | Diana L. Paxson | Daniel Abraham
4 PM Writing in Someone Else’s World
How to be true to the creator’s vision while still telling your own story.
Deborah J. Ross | Alex Westmore | Kathleen Bartholomew | A.E. Marling | R. L. King

Sunday, May 28
10 AM Collaborations
Are two heads better than one or do too many writers spoil the plot?
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff | Mark Gelineau | Sheryl Hayes | Kathleen Bartholomew
4 PM Historical Writing
Knowing Your Character’s Cultural Priorities and Personal Rebellions
Lillian Csernica | Kathleen Bartholomew | Heather Rose Jones | Jay Hartlove | Gregg Castro
5:30 PM The Truth About Stuff
Come ask our panelists for the truth about various topics and learn the secrets of the dark conspiracies behind each! If you ever wanted to know why stoplights are red, clockwise is to the left or the real story behind the moon landing, now is your chance to ask.
*BayCon regrets that we cannot be responsible for the veracity of the answers given. Please use this information at your own risk.
Christopher Garcia | Lillian Csernica | Ms. Leigh Ann Hildebrand | Eric “In the Elevator” Zuckerman | Kathleen Bartholomew | Tyler Hayes

Monday, May 29
11:30 AM The Eternal Importance of Research
SO, what would have happened if the Brits won the War of 1812? Well, actually – they kind of did. Research before you write alternatives to the wrong history. What’s Greek Fire? Or fusion vs fission? The Schwarzschild radius? The Great Californian Mulberry Collapse? Find out before you write your foot into your mouth. Research matters – Also, someone may have thought of your idea before you.
Kathleen Bartholomew | Karen Brenchley | Bradford Lyau | Laurel Anne Hill | Gregg Castro
For more info on THE VERY BEST OF TAD WILLIAMS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Kerem Beyit.
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more info about IN CALABRIA, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
Cover by Elizabeth Story