Every story in LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG is well-imagined and richly entertaining
A quartet of reviews for the highly recommended LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG.

In nearly every collection I’ve ever read, there are one or two stories that are just not as good as the others. That is simply not the case for LED ASTRAY. Every piece was well-imagined and richly entertaining. Every last one.
As usual with Kelley’s work it was not only a joy to read but really hit the spot, was great to dip into and a wonderful way to spend snatched reading time when I needed to escape from reality.
All in all, LED ASTRAY is a strong collection for longtime fans of Armstrong’s works. Definitely on the darker side of things but the stories were very well selected to balance that out.
Each story brings us a new story for that series and each one was wonderfully written and really feels like an entire story all its own.
For more information on LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story