Booksellers, librarians, and reviewers get Joe R. Lansdale’s new Hap and Leonard book OF MICE AND MINESTRONE
Review copies of Joe R. Lansdale’s OF MICE AND MINESTRONE are now available via EDELWEISS and NETGALLEY.

There’s a place in East Texas where story shades into memory, where violence and tenderness are just part of the wonder of living, and that’s precisely where Joe Lansdale lives, and writes from, and we’re all the better for it. The eating’s pretty good there, too, as Hap’s recipes more than attest. You leave this book hungry, both for food and to start the whole series all over again, live through it one more time, maybe just live there a while.
—Stephen Graham Jones, author of Mongrels and The Only Good Indians
A brand-new Hap and Leonard series collection chock full of Joe R. Lansdale’s inimitable blend of humor, mayhem, and insight, Of Mice and Minestrone delivers never-before-seen stories, a selection of the boys’ favorite recipes from Kasey Lansdale, and an introduction from New York Times bestselling crime author Kathleen Kent.
Hap Collins looks just like a good ol’ boy. But from his misspent youth on, his best compatriot is Leonard Pine, who is black, gay, and the ultimate outsider. Inseparable friends, Hap and Leonard climb into the boxing ring, visit each other’s families, get in bar fights, and just go fishing—all the while confronting racists, righting wrongs, and eating a whole lot of delicious food.
So pull up a seat and sit a spell, and let master storyteller Joe R. Lansdale regale you with a new passel of tales about the unlikeliest duo East Texas has to offer.
I enjoyed every tale in this collection. The best was the title story which was pretty dark and incredibly sad. I really need to read more of Hap and Leonard’s adventures if this book is an example of what they get up to.”
—Book Lover’s Boudoir
- Introduction by Kathleen Kent
- Hap and Leonard, The Early Days by Joe R. Lansdale
- The Kitchen
- Of Mice and Minestrone, part I and part II
- The Watering Shed
- Sparring Partner
- The Sabine Was High
- Good Eats: The Recipes of Hap and Leonard by Kasey Lansdale