Several Tachyon authors attend International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts 38

Jacob Weisman, Sydney Duncan, John Kessel and Andy Duncan at the 2007 ICFA (photo: James Patrick Kelley)
Tachyon publisher Jacob Weisman joins creator Charlie Jane Anders, Eileen Gunn, James Patrick Kelly, John Kessel, Ellen Klages, James Morrow, David Sandner, Rick Wilber, and Sheila Williams will all be in attendance for the 38th annual International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts.

John Berry and Eileen Gunn at the 2008 event (photo: Ellen Datlow)
The International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (ICFA) is an annual scholarly conference devoted to all aspects of the fantastic (broadly defined) as it appears in literature, film, and the other arts. The ICFA is held annually in Orlando, Florida, USA.

James Patrick Kelly and Ted Chiang in 2010 (photo: Andy Duncan)
March 22-26, 2017
Orlando Airport Marriott Lakeside, Orlando, Florida
- Guests of Honor: Steven Erikson and N.K. Jemisin
- Guest Scholar: Edward James
- Special Guest Emeritus: Brian Aldiss