Tachyon well represented at the 2023 World Fantasy Convention
Publisher Jacob Weisman, Jonathan Strahan (Editor Guest of Honor), John Joseph Adams, Marie Brennan, Ellen Datlow, Eileen Gunn, John Kessel (virtual only), Ellen Klages, Pat Murphy, Josh Rountree, Gordon Van Gelder, Izzy Wasserstein, and current World Fantasy Award nominees for their Tachyon titles, Naseem Jamnia and Sam J. Miller, are scheduled to appear at the 2023 World Fantasy Convention in Kansas City, MO, October 26-29.
- Author: Kij Johnson and Adam Troy-Castro
- Editor: Jonathan Strahan
- Artists: Elizabeth Leggett and Vincent Villafranca
- Toastmasters: Tananarive Due and Steven Barnes
The World Fantasy Convention offers a massive selection of readings,
signings, and panels. To find any of these authors, check out the entire
schedule on their site.

Be sure to visit the Tachyon tables in the dealer’s room, where we’ll be hosting several signings. We’re sharing space this year with Fairwood Press.
