A belated happy birthday to the award-winning writer and editor Rick Wilber

A journalism professor at the University of South Florida, Rick Wilber has penned more than fifty science-fiction short stories, several college textbooks, including MAGAZINE FEATURE WRITING (St. Martin’s Press), THE WRITER’S HANDBOOK FOR EDITING and REVISION (McGraw-Hill), and MODERN MEDIA WRITING (Cengage), and three novels THE COLD ROAD, RUM POINT, and the forthcoming ALIEN MORNING. His story “Something Real” won the 2013 Sidewise Award.

Wilber edited the three anthologies SUBTROPICAL SPECULATIONS: ANTHOLOGY OF FLORIDA SCIENCE FICTION (with Richard Mathews), FUTURE MEDIA, and FIELD OF FANTASIES: BASEBALL STORIES OF THE STRANGE AND SUPERNATURAL. His book length memoir about his dad, baseball player Del Wilber, MY FATHER’S GAME: LIFE, DEATH, BASEBALL garnered notices from a diversity of people including Peter Golenbock, Peter Straub, and Bill Plaschke.
All of us at Tachyon wish Rick a happy baseball-filled birthday!
For more info about FUTURE MEDIA, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Josh Beatman