SLOW BULLETS is another brilliant space opera from a master of the genre

Photo: Barbera Bella
RAPTUREINBOOKS praises Alastair Reynolds’ SLOW BULLETS.
4 stars – Another brilliant Space Opera from a master of the genre
SLOW BULLETS is the second book by Alastair Reynolds that I have read, it was only 192 pages, but it was 192 pages of yet another brilliant space opera by the master. This novella took place in an alternate world to ours and mostly in space; there is one main character Scureyla or Scur as she is known throughout the novella. The novella reads a lot like a memoir rather than a story with the narrator Scur bringing you back to various points in her life as a forcibly conscripted military individual on her home planet.
It was certainly a good slice of Alastair Reynolds work and was definitely written along the same lines of the other book of his I’ve read Revenger, although short and sweet, there were no loose ends that can sometimes be present, the dialogue was a touch mis-matched but was ultimately well-rounded and proved a good thing.

SLOW BULLETS is nominated for the inaugural THEAKER’S QUARTERLY AWARDS.
For the last four years, and a couple of other years a bit further back, I ran the British Fantasy Awards, which was absolutely fascinating and thoroughly enjoyable. I stepped down last September, but I loved doing it, so to innoculate myself against volunteering to run any other awards, and also to give myself the chance to experiment with voting systems in a way that wasn’t possible with the BFAs, I have decided to introduce our own Theaker’s Quarterly awards.

The only items eligible are those that have been reviewed in our pages (regardless of when they were published – and whether we liked them!), and the only categories are those that have appeared in the Quarterly Review, plus three about our own magazine: best story, cover art and issue. Voting is open to everyone, and you can vote for as many items in each category as you want.
For more info about SLOW BULLETS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Thomas Canty
Design by Elizabeth Story