Tachyon tidbits featuring Jacob Weisman & David Sandner, Joe R. Lansdale & Kasey Lansdale, Lavie Tidhar, and Peter S. Beagle
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.

Photo by James Patrick Kelly

Photo by Rina Weisman
On Instagram publisher Patrick Swenson revealed the cover to David Sander and Jacob Weisman’s sequel to Mingus Fingers, Hellhounds. Coming your way in November from Fairwood Press.
Patrick R. McDonough and Brennan LaFaro of Dead Headspace interview the Lansdales.
Joe R Lansdale, Kasey Lansdale, and Keith Lansdale are all part of a family that is heavily ingrained in the writing world: music, comics, books, movies, and television.
If you are a writer looking for master classes in writing, tune in to this one!
On the BBC 4 program Open Book, host Chris Power is joined by writers Lavie Tidhar, Margie Orford, and Andrew Harding for “The Ethics of Writing Crime,” where they discussed the ethical questions authors confront as they research and write about crime.

Following a retrospective reading of Peter S. Beagle’s The Last Unicorn, Judith Tarr on Tor.com praises the classic.
Many favorite books of one’s youth don’t make it intact into one’s maturity. For me The Last Unicorn not only survived, it showed itself to be even more wonderful than I had remembered. As a young reader I loved the words and the story and the characters. As an older reader and writer of my own books, I have a much clearer sense of what it takes to write a book of such beauty and power. It is wonderful in the true, old, magical sense: full of wonders. Marvelous. Immortal, like the unicorn herself.