Kameron Hurley’s impossible to put down MEET ME IN THE FUTURE will challenge and grip readers
Another quartet of reviews for Kameron Hurley’s great collection MEET ME IN THE FUTURE.

For MANHATTAN BOOK REVIEW, Daniel Casey praises the book.

Readers do more than sympathize with these characters; they are drawn
into their inner lives in a profoundly empathetic manner coming to
realize “There was no greater sin than touching a piece of a world that wasn’t yours.”
Hurley makes us complicit in touching her worlds, the worlds of these
characters, and such a transgressive framing makes each story feel
urgent, timely, and utterly estranged. It is a delightful collection
that will challenge and grip readers.
Eric M. Bosarge at VERNACULAR BOOKS feels much the same way.
Hurley’s collection, MEET ME IN THE FUTURE,
achieves that which most writers only dream; connecting not just with a
deeper and universal truth that will lodge itself in the minds of
readers long after the story is over, but to tell stories so engaging
and dynamic that even those averse to the risks of questioning one’s
experience will find them impossible to put down.

A NOD TO NOTHING continues the hit parade.
It’s a great collection, although I liked the second half better than the first half.
In their review of three of the stories, TO WRITE THESE WORDS DOWN… is obviously enjoying the work.
I love Hurley’s writing and she’s fast becoming one of my new favorite authors.
And lastly, here’s the transcript of Hurley’s REDDIT r/books AMA.
For info on MEET ME IN THE FUTURE, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Carl Sutton
Design by Elizabeth Story