Join Jane Yolen for her very first REDDIT AMA while simultaneously wishing a happy book birthday to her new collection THE MIDNIGHT CIRCUS
The legendary Jane Yolen discusses her new collection THE MIDNIGHT CIRCUS in a REDDIT AMA at r/books on Thursday, Oct 1 at 1PM EST.

THE BOOK LOVER’S BOUDOIR enjoys the collection.
I was looking forward to getting lost in this new collection of dark tales. These stories all touch on the supernatural in some way, some darker than others. I liked the fact the stories were all quite different despite dealing with similar themes / same genre. No two stories were alike. In most story collections I’ve read there tends to be one or two stories that don’t quite fit or work. That’s not the case with The Midnight Circus. Every story is excellent. I didn’t want to stop reading.
YA LIT RAMBLINGS felt much the same.
This is a three ring circus like no other. It is the dark side of THE EMERALD CIRCUS. I loved those stories and thought I might not like Yolen’s dark side. I should not have worried, for these stories chilled me to the bone, and I loved every minute!

PALADIN JANE REVIEWS finds the book worthy.
[Y]olen is a master of her craft and this is a collection worth reading if you’re a fan of dark fantasy and horror.
Overall a great short story collection, I could see for upper middle grades for sure, possibly into the lower grades at high school level.