Tachyon tidbits featuring Nancy Kress, R. B. Lemberg, Joe R. Lansdale, and Carrie Vaughn
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.

Kress wisely keeps her global catastrophe on a human scale, eschewing superheroic action for tense realism. This urgent, deeply satisfying story is as tenacious and inspiring as its heroine.

Ann Leckie recommends R. B. Lemberg’s forthcoming THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES.
This is one of R’s Birdverse stories, which I’ve recommended before. Their writing is lovely, their worldbuilding wonderful, their characters real and resonant. If you haven’t acquainted yourself with Birdverse yet, by all means do, and then be ready for this novella to come out next year.

Pamela Scott of THE BOOK LOVER’S BOUDOIR serves up the first review for Joe R. Lansdale’s OF MICE AND MINESTRONE.
I’ve read some things featuring Hap and Leonard before but wouldn’t say that I’m a massive fan. That may about to change because I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

NEW BOOK IN FANTASY AND ADVENTURE podcast selects THE IMMORTAL CONQUISTADOR by Carrie Vaughn as their March book.

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