With her traditional magical beauty, Jane Yolen’s THE MIDNIGHT CIRCUS is unforgettable
THE MIDNIGHT CIRCUS, along with all the rest of the 2020 titles, is currently 20% off with free media mail shipping on the Tachyon site.

A UNIVERSE IN WORDS praises Jane Yolen’s beautiful THE MIDNIGHT CIRCUS.
Jane Yolen doesn’t consider herself a horror writer, not even a particularly scary one. And yet her stories bristle with the unknown, the edge of something not quite safe, the supernatural. It is not about the blood or the glint of moonlight on a knife. It’s not about the abject sadness of a matchstick girl freezing to death on Christmas eve. Yolen’s stories that are scary are so because they recognize the emotional weight of it all. No need for guts spilling out here! Yolen’s THE MIDNIGHT CIRCUS retains her traditional magical beauty while she pulls back the curtain on the darkness backstage.
Jane Yolen is a master story writer. Although not all stories with resonate with every reader, there is a gem or three in The Midnight Circus for everyone. Get your ticket, join the queue, and get ready for beauty, horror, sadness and beauty.
At REDDIT r/Fantasy, The_Real_JS agrees.
So, as a rule, short stories aren’t really my thing. I generally try and read one a year just to try new and different things. This year, that just happened to coincide with my first Yolen book ever. And I have to say, there was a lot here to love. I’m coming to this review a bit late, more than a month after I finished it, and there are still stories that have stayed with, ideas that really grabbed a hold. I’ll touch on a few of them here.